Sunday, 18 October 2009

Your daily e-mail from the BBC

Saturday, 17 October, 2009, 19:00 GMT 24:00 +05:00:Asia/Karachi

North Korea gulags 'hold 150,000'
North Korea holds more than 150,000 political prisoners in six prison camps across the country, a South Korean MP says.
Iraq cabinet ratifies oil deals
Iraq's cabinet ratifies a deal with a British and a Chinese energy company to develop the giant southern oilfield in Rumaila.
Ageing plane hits Manila suburb
A propeller-driven plane, reportedly from the 1930's, crashes in the Philippines, killing at least four people.
Laptop for every pupil in Uruguay
Uruguay has given 362,000 primary children laptops which run on a Linux desktop.
ISP in file-sharing wi-fi theft
TalkTalk has been an outspoken critic of UK government piracy plans and now it sets out to prove why.
Confused message on UK broadband
As Finland makes broadband 'a legal right' the UK government appears to toughen up its broadband plans.

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